
Ella's Baptism

Once again I have fallen waaayyy behind on my blog.  Life gets crazy and I stop blogging!  Let's not even talk about my Project 52!!!

Back in February, February 6th to be exact, Ella got baptized.  It's hard to believe my baby girl is already 8 years old but at the same time she's always been trying to grow up too quickly.  We were all so fortunate to have all of her Grandpas Grandmas come for the big day- 5 in total.  All of them here just for her!  I told her that may not happen again for a very, very long time, if ever.

The whole morning was so wonderful!  There were great talks given by her Primary teacher and our home teacher.  As it was just Ella getting baptized it felt very personal to her and I think that made it even that much more special.  I got pictures of almost everybody that came and am working on a baptism book for her.  The timeline I've been following lately, I'll be thrilled if I get it finished before she goes into YW!!!
Baptism Invite - Front
Baptism Invite - Back

My friend, Shauna, gave me the great idea to do a slideshow for Ella's baptism.  I had so much fun going through all of her pictures to put together a slideshow of her first 8 years.  I had it playing on an iPad propped up on an easel.  I found some gorgeous renditions of some Primary songs to go with the pictures.

Ella and Jeramy just before the baptism

After the baptism my friend Neeley was so nice to do Ella's hair.  It turned out so cute!

The only picture of me the entire day! Bummer.  Next time I will ask a friend or family member to be the photog for the day!

I love her dress - the lace was beautiful and the big cotton voile sash!

My beautiful Ella!

With Grandpa Gary and Grandma Sheila.  Ella's trying to put on a brave face but it was really cold out - even though it was sunny - and her hair was still wet and she was miserable.  She was trying to force a few smiles!

With Grandpa and Grandma Nelson. 

With Grandpa Bryan